Association Constitution
St Anselm Hall Association: Constitution
The Association Constitution was presented and ratified on Saturday 7 July 2012 at the Annual General Meeting in Manchester. The constitution can be downloaded here.
1. Title
The Association shall be named the St Anselm Hall Association.
2. Objects of the Association
2.1 To provide a network to keep former members of St Anselm Hall in touch with one another.
2.2 To maintain active links with St Anselm Hall through the support of its Junior Common Room and Senior Common Room.
2.3 To foster relations with the University of Manchester for the benefit of St Anselm Hall and the collegiate hall model, representing them as appropriate.
2.4 To take such other steps as may advance the interests of the Hall.
3. Membership of the Association
3.1 Full membership is open to all who have been resident in St Anselm Hall, either as students, tutors or as Warden.
3.2 Associate membership is open to other persons with a relevant link to the Hall at the discretion of the Committee of the Association.
3.3 Honorary life membership may be conferred by a General Meeting of the Association on persons who are judged to have made an outstanding contribution to the life of St Anselm Hall or the advancement of its interests.
4. Funds of the Association
The funds of the Association shall be used:
4.1 To support the development of the Hall and to contribute to its welfare.
4.2 To provide scholarships and other awards for support of students resident in the Hall when available funds permit
4.3 To make grants from time to time to the Junior Common Room of the Hall in support of its activities;
4.4 To defray the expenses of the Association.
5. General Meetings of the Association
5.1 The Annual General Meeting of members shall be held not later than July 31st in each calendar year, and shall exercise the following functions:
5.1.1 To receive a report from the Committee of the Association on activities during the year
5.1.2 To receive and, if thought fit, approve the accounts of the Association for the year
5.1.3 To appoint the office holders of the Association, and to elect other members to serve on the Committee of the Association, to serve for the period to the next AGM
5.1.4 To appoint the Honorary Auditor or Independent Financial Examiner
5.1.5 To receive a report from the Warden on developments in the Hall
5.1.6 To consider and determine any matter referred to it by the Committee
5.1.7 To vote on any matter by show of hands or by such other method as the Chairman shall determine
5.1.8 To consider and pronounce an opinion on any matter pertinent to the interests of the Hall
5.2 Special general meetings shall be called by resolution of the Committee of the Association or at the request of fifty or more full members of the Association, and shall transact the business for which the meeting has been called.
5.3 Only full members shall have the right to vote at general meetings and to be eligible for election as an officer or member of the Committee.
5.4 Members of the Association shall receive not less than twenty-eight days’ notice of general meetings.
5.5 Fifteen full members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for a general meeting.
6. President of the Association
The Warden of St Anselm Hall shall be the President of the Association ex officio.
7. Membership of the Committee of the Association
7.1 The membership of the Committee shall comprise the President and the following elected members:
Office holders
Membership Secretary
The immediate past Chairman
The editor of the Association’s Newsletter
The Association’s representative on the St Anselm Hall Committee of the University
Other members of the Committee
Up to six other full members of the Association
The President of the JCR of the Hall and the Junior Treasurer are invited to attend meetings of the Committee.
7.2 The members of the Committee shall be elected to serve for a period of one year and, subject to paragraph 7.3, may be re-elected.
7.3 No member may hold the office of Chairman or Vice Chairman for more than three years consecutively, save that in exceptional circumstances he may, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at a general meeting, be elected to serve for a fourth and final year in that office. 7.4 The Committee shall meet not less than once in each University semester.
8. Duties of the Committee It shall be the duty of the Committee:
8.1 To manage the business of the Association and to submit a report thereon to the Annual General Meeting
8.2 To prepare accounts of income and expenditure for submission to the AGM
8.3 To maintain and foster relations between the Association and the Hall and between the Association and the University of Manchester
8.4 To maintain the records of membership of the Association and to comply with the requirements of data protection legislation
8.5 To publish a Newsletter for distribution to the members of the Association
8.6 To take such other steps as may advance the interests of the Association and of the Hall.
9. Clerk to the Association
The Committee may appoint and remunerate a student currently resident in the Hall to serve as Clerk to the Association for a period of one year, during which time he liaises with the JCR on behalf of the Association and provides administrative support for Association matters. The Clerk may be re-elected provided that he remains resident in the Hall.
10. Subscription
10.1 The level of annual subscription payable by members of the Association shall be determined from time to time by the AGM after report from the Committee.
10.2 Membership shall be deemed to have lapsed when a member’s subscriptions are six months in arrears after the due date of renewal. Members shall be notified at least one month before their membership is due to lapse.
10.3 After report from the Committee, the AGM may determine a level of subscription payment to be made for life membership by full or associate members.
11. Dissolution
11.1 The Association may only be dissolved if a general meeting so resolves by a two-thirds majority of the full members present and voting, and if thereafter a postal ballot of the full members confirms that resolution by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.
11.2 In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the remaining assets shall be disposed of in the absolute discretion of the Committee.
12. Amendment of constitution
12.1 The constitution of the Association may be amended by resolution of two thirds of the full members present and voting at a general meeting.
12.2 Notice of any proposed amendment to the constitution shall be given to the membership not less than two calendar months before the date of the general meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.